Siemens PLM

Interface Description

Importing tool data in Teamcenter 11.2

Preparing Teamcenter for ToolsUnited

In order to enable the import of tools from ToolsUnited to Teamcenter, it is mandatory to first import the ToolsUnited GTC classification scheme to Teamcenter. These are the required preparatory steps:

In order to import tools from ToolsUnited to Teamcenter, it is mandatory to first import the ToolsUnited GTC classification scheme to Teamcenter.

Initially, download the ZIP above and perform the following steps:

  • Conduct a manual “Unzip” on the Teamcenter Server
  • Control if the MRL (Manufacturing Resource Library) has been installed. In your navigation pane, move to “Classification”. Opening the “Classification Root”, you should see “Tools” as well as “Generic Tool Catalogs”. If not, you will find the MRL installer in the Teamcenter kit in the “advanced installations” folder.
  • Follow Edit -> Options -> Search -> Search on Keywords in order to change settings
    • Search for “MRMGTCCloudAccess” and set its Value to “true” in order to display the ToolsUnited search icons. This step is no more necessary on Teamcenter Releases higher than 10.1.3
    • Search for “MRMTUURL” and set its value to and save your changes.
    • Search for “MRMGTCVendorCatalogRootDir”. This preference indicates in which directories GTC Packages will be stored on the Teamcenter Server. The default settings are C:\VendorCatalogs and D:\VendorCatalogs.
  • Please unzip or paste the data of the GTC-Package into either one of these folders (Create the directories on the Teamcenter Server if necessary).
  • Afterwards, you will find the directory “GTC_Package_CIM_20150702-2_hierarchy_only” at this location, including three sub-directories.
  • In the navigation pane on the lower left side, move to “Classification admin”
  • Open the „SAM Classification root“ by double-clicking it
  • Find and click the button “Import vendor catalog class hierarchy” in the Teamcenter toolbar at the top
  • A dialog with additional information about the GTC package will be displayed. Click “Import” and wait until it is completed.
  • A log dialog will be displayed, stating the successful import. You may decline it.

You may access the ToolsUnited interface and search for tools without leaving your Teamcenter environment. Tools that match your search criteria can be imported directly to Teamcenter.

Interface Description:

1. Searching for tools

1.1. General ToolsUnited search

One option to find tools in Teamcenter is the general search, using the web interface of ToolsUnited.

  • Move to the navigation pane on the lower left of your Teamcenter interface and navigate to the “Resource-Management” dialog.
  • Use the CIMSOURCE button in the toolbar at the top to access the web interface of ToolsUnited. A dialog will pop up, requesting your username and password.
  • The “ToolsUnited” tab will open, presenting the familiar web interface of ToolsUnited.

1.2. Classification Search Dialog

Alternatively, you may use the “Classification Search Dialog” to find tools in Teamcenter.

  • Again, move to the navigation pane on the lower left of your Teamcenter interface and navigate to the “Resource-Management” dialog
  • Use the “Classification Search Dialog” button in the toolbar at the top to access the window
  • In that window, use the Classification Root to navigate to the tool class you would like to browse (e.g. Classification Root → Resource Management → Tools → Components → Drilling → Solid drill → Twist Drill → Fluted Drill)
  • Using the “Search criteria” mask, you may define your tool. Start your search by using the “ToolsUnited Search” button
  • The “ToolsUnited” tab will open, presenting your results on the familiar web interface of ToolsUnited
step 2 of teamcenter and ToolsUnited interface description

2. Downloading tool data from ToolsUnited

  • When you have selected a tool that matches your search criteria, you may download it by clicking the “Export to Siemens PLM” button.
  • In the export dialog, you may choose whether a 3D graphic shall be generated.
  • After clicking “Start export”, the download options will show. We recommend saving the data in the same directory you’ve chosen earlier in the preference “MRMGTCVendorCatalogRootDir” (Standard is “C:” and “D:”).
step 3 instruction on ToolsUnited and Siemens PLM

3. Importing GTC Packages to Teamcenter

  • In the navigation pane on the lower left, choose the “Resource Management”
  • Click the “Import GTC package and map from catalog to customer area” button from your toolbar at the top
  • A dialog will appear. Choose the GTC Package you have downloaded. By ticking, you may also trigger the following options:
    • The import of 3D models
    • Mapping tools from GTC ToolsUnited classes to MRL Tool Component classes
    • Deleting the GTC packages from the Teamcenter client

Successfully imported tools will be displayed in the application “Classification”. Extend the hierarchy to the respective tool subclass and search for e.g. the Cutting Diameter.

step 4 instruction on Siemens PLM and ToolsUnited