
Import of CIMSOURCE/ToolsUnited exports into Mastercam 2023

Installing the plugin files
  • Unzip the contents of the file “” into one of the following directories, depending on the type of your Mastercam installation: %SystemDrive%\Users\Public\Documents\Shared Mastercam 2023\Add-Ins%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Mastercam 2023\Mastercam\Add-Ins
How to integrate the tool import buttons into the Mastercam ribbon
  • Open the Options dialog by clicking on the “Options” menu item in the “File” menu.
  • Select “Customize ribbon” on the left-hand side and then select the main tab to which the buttons are to be added on the right-hand side. Now click on the “New group” button:
  • Click on the “Rename …” button and give the group the name “CIMSOURCE/ToolsUnited”:
  • Select the “Import tool” command in the list on the left and click on Add:
  • Add the “Import settings” command in the same way and then confirm the options dialog with “OK”.
  • The new command group then appears in the main tab in which you created it:.

Defining the standard import directory

  • Use the “Import settings” button to open the “Modify import settings” dialog:

  • Use the “Import settings” button to open the “Modify import settings” dialog:

Import of tool components exported for Mastercam 2023

  • Click on the “Werkzeugimport” button
Importschaltfläche 01
  • Use the subsequent dialog to save any changes to an open file.
  • In the following dialog, select the directory in which you have previously unpacked the data of your exported tool components (files with the extensions “.json” and, if applicable, “.stp”) and confirm your selection with the “OK” button. All “.json” files contained in this directory are then converted into the Mastercam format “.tooldb”.
  • Finally, the end of the import process is indicated by a corresponding dialog, which you can confirm with “OK”. You will now find the converted “.tooldb” files for further use in the same directory in which the “.json” files are located.

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please contact our support. We are happy to help!