CoroPlus® Tool Library

Using ToolsUnited via CoroPlus® Tool Library

Integration between ToolsUnited and CoroPlus® Tool Library enables users to search for cutting tool items from various vendors and facilitating the smooth assembly building process. This integration leads to better decision-making in tool selection and reducing unnecessary tool inventory, resulting in potential cost savings.

In order to use CoroPlus® Tool Library with ToolsUnited, follow these steps:

Click “Create” to a Sandvik Coromant account

Fill up the fields and click ‘Send’

Click “ToolUnited”

Click “Register”

Select the suppliers you want see and click “Save”

Select the tool and double click it

Click “Create assembly”

Select the ‘Parameter’ button on the right and check parameters of the assembly

Select the ‘Cutting data’ button on the right and specify your own cutting data for the assembly.

Once the assembly building process is completed in the CoroPlus® Tool Library, the tooling and machining data can be seamlessly transferred to CAM, Simulation software. This process serves to significantly enhance efficiency and security in CAM programming, leading to time savings and quality improvement during simulation and verification stages.

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please contact our support. We are happy to help!